Oskar Möller & Tobias Berstler During the Lab Course “Photometry “ the star with the rather incompact name “ASASSN-V J061111.16+395420.2 “ was observed. This δ-Scuti star is variable and therefore changes its magnitude periodically. Unlike the more widely known δ-Cepheids this class of stars usually has a much shorter period […]
FP Photometry
Timon Althaus & Benedikt Götz Using the TURMX Observatory in Spain, we observed the variable star LR Psc in the night from November 6th to November 7th, leveraging one of the few clear November nights. The constellation Pisces, to which this star belongs, was visible high up in the sky […]
Robin Petry & Simon Lars Hesse As part of the advanced lab course at the Technical University of Darmstadt, the pulsation-variable star “V1139 Her“was observed with the TURMX telescope system from 12 June 2024 at 23:00 to 13 June 2024 at 6:15 (CEST).The aim of the experiment was to record […]
Nicole Engel & Tom Wachsmuth In the context of an advanced lab exercise we observed the transit of the exoplanet TOI-4145A b orbiting the star TOI-4145A in the constellation Cepheus. A transit occurs, when a planet orbiting another star moves between said star and the observer on earth. By measuring […]
Marius Hartig & Felix Kalb In this Experiment of the advanced lab course, our goal was to observe the transit of an exoplanet in front of a star. The exoplanet we chose to observe and analyze is K2-30b. The observation took place on the 24th of January in 2024 and […]
Julius Debus & Lukas Hauf As part of the advanced lab course of the department of physics of TU Darmstadt, on April 15, 2023 we observed the pulsating star V0417 Boo, which is part of the constellation Boötes. This particular star is of high interest and was chosen for the […]
Milisa Jettkandt & Matthias Kilb During our advanced lab course, we were able to use the TURMX remote oberservatory to observe the pulsating variable GSC 04135-00504 over the night from the 5th to 6th of January 2023 (CET). Muniwin and Mathematica were used for the photometry and curve fitting as […]
Frederik Krenzer & Jonathan Laux In our observation and investigation of the variable star V 0750 Aur in the constellation Auriga (see figure 1) on december 1st 2022, we could detect not one, but at least two different pulsation periods which we calculated to be 0.0678 d (97.6 minutes) and […]
Pierre Knötzele & Dominic Rodemer During the advanced lab course of the Department of Physics at TU Darmstadt, a variable star was to be observed for the experiment “Photometry in Astrophysics”. The star ASASSN-V J235154.14+381726.8 in the constellation Andromeda was chosen. The TURMX telescope was programmed for automatic recording in […]
Mark Bergmann & Konrad Weber Using the TURMX observatory in summer of 2022, we were able to observe pulsating stars in the constellation of Lyrae. This region of the night sky was chosen as it stood in zenith around midnight for the observatory in spanish Extremadura during the date of […]
Patrick Sekyra & Björn Sievers Due to the lab course “Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum” at TU Darmstadt we had the opportunity to use the universities remote observatory TURMX. One object – ZTF J065743.32+233712.8 – was chosen by us to observe in the night of the 13th of February in 2021, while the other […]
Michelle Müller & Christoph Rützel In the context of the advanced lab courses (Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum) we observed a star of our choice throughout one night. The chosen star’s name is ZTF J000116.54+543024.7, it is located within the Cassiopeia constellation. In photometric examinations it is often more convenient to observe the relative […]
Marietta Coelle and Yannik Atzbach We planned our observation under very unfavourable conditions: Not only we had to deal with full moon and decided to observe an exoplanet transit, which restricts the possible observations to a few time windows, but also the hourly changing weather forecast predicted heavy clouds and […]
Patrick Falk & Clemens Nickel During the photometry experiment we could observe the brightness variation caused by the exoplanet CoRoT-18b and the variable star RV Ari of the Aries-constellation in the night of the 9th and 10th of November 2020. We were also given the data of another exoplanet Qatar-4b […]
Julian Schulze & Aleksandar Vučković In the context of the physics lab course ”Photometry in Astrophysics”, we studied the variable star BN Tri, a part of the constallation Triangalum located in the northern sky. A variable star is a star whose brightness changes over time, in contrast with the usual […]