The instruments at the TURM and TURMX Observatory are regularly used by students as part of the advanced lab course in physics (Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum Physik). During the summer semester, we offer a lab activity on the physics of the solar atmosphere using the solar telescopes on Uhrturm at the heart of […]
3 posts
The instrumentation at the TURM Observatory is optimized for the observation of the sun, i.e., the apparent surface of the sun – the photosphere – and the atmospheric layers above – the chromosphere. In contrast to many faint and fuzzy night-time objects, the sun offers a huge intensity across the […]
The instruments at the TURM and TURMX Observatory are regularly used by students as part of the advanced lab course in physics (Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum Physik). At the TURMX Observatory we offer a lab activity on photometry and its applications in astrophysics. The focus is on time-resolved differential photometry using modern imaging […]